Events / Tickets

The Academy of the Free Mind regularly organizes lectures, themed tours, theatre performances, children's workshops and concerts. Check out the upcoming activities here.


May 1 - Children's workshop 4-8 years | 'The power of collaboration'
May 5 - Freedom meal and philosophizing about freedom between 12-4pm
May 17 - Lunch concert | Teresa da Silveira Caleiro, viola; Filipe Fernandes, violin
May 31 - Webinar | C.G. Jung in the Footsteps of Jacob Böhme

Daily guided tours of our museum at 10:30 and 14:30

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We would like to urge you only to buy tickets for our events through us or through an acknowledged sales platform like Ticketswap. If you have doubts about the authenticity of your ticket please contact us. We regret the Embassy of the Free Mind cannot be held responsible for the purchase of invalid tickets.